Second Thursday of each month:

If you are in your 20s or mid-30s (or thereabouts) and identify somewhere along the lines of bisexual/omni/pan/fluid (or are questioning in that direction), please join us at 7pm on the second Thursday of the month for a few hours of discussion, support, and/or the eating and drinking of delicious things.

Fourth Thursday of each month:

Come join the downtown branch of the Young BLiSS group for snacks and discussions! This group is aimed towards people in their 20’s and 30’s (or thereabouts) who are interested in some tasty snacks and discussion with like-minded bi’s. We’ll start off each week with a different topic and end up wherever the conversation takes us. Feel free to bring any issues you’re interested in discussing!

Please contact Gabby at youngblissboston [at] gmail [dot] com to RSVP and find out where each group will be meeting!

Young BLiSS meets BI-Monthly!