Thank you for signing up for BBWN and Bi Women!

We are a seriously not-for-profit organization, run entirely by volunteers. Nobody gets paid, and it costs a lot to produce one issue of /Bi Women/. Please help us get /Bi Women/ out there to you, and also to college and community LGBT offices and women’s centers, and to everyone else who needs us! All of our support comes from individuals like you. So please, if you are able, we hope make a contribution to support our work.

Make your donations payable to BBWN, and sent to us at PO Box 301727, Jamaica Plain MA 02130 or click below to donate online via paypal!

Suggested donation: $0-20 (student, unemployed, low income); $20-30 (suggested); $31-99 (supporter); $100 on up (fairy godmother).

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. I’ll send in my renewal and a check today!
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